Dental Implant Complications – Select Dental

Save Your Oral Health Investment From Implant Failure

failing dental implant Select Dental
dental implant complications Select Dental

What Causes Dental Implant Complications?

Dental implants are a highly predictable solution to replacing single, multiple and full arches of missing teeth. In fact, dental implants carry a 98 percent rate of success, which is a testament to their reputation as being the “gold standard” in tooth replacement! Though implants rarely need to be replaced, there are certain cases where dental implant complications may threaten the longevity of implant health. Factors like poor oral hygiene, improper implant placement, excess dental cement and an uneven bite may contribute to dental implant complications, the most common of which is peri-implantitis.

Similar to gum disease, peri-implantitis breaks down the gums and bone supporting a dental implant. If left to progress, peri-implantitis can lead to further dental implant complications and ultimately the failure of dental implants. Peri-implantitis is, however, very treatable when detected early and addressed by a team committed to restoring your health, wellness and tooth replacement investment.

How We Treat Dental Implant Complications

For cases of dental implant complications caused by peri-implantitis, our doctors may take a traditional or laser approach, depending on the level of severity and treatment needs. Peri-implantitis treatment eliminates bacteria and other debris from the implant site and implant surface. If bone loss or gum recession around the implant has occurred, our periodontist may need to perform bone grafting or gum grafting procedures to rebuild support for your dental implants. No matter your dental implant complications, our multi-specialty team at Select Dental is committed to helping save your dental implant investment.

Signs Your Implants Are at Risk:

  • Bleeding or pus around implant
  • Tenderness or inflammation of implant site
  • Looseness or shifting of implant
  • Exposed metal threads of implant
  • Bone loss or gum recession around implant
  • Pain or discomfort when biting or chewing

Protect Your Smile From Dental Implant Complications

Dental implant complications caused by improper implant placement often can be avoided when placed by a periodontal specialist using guided implant surgery, which renders the results far more precise and predictable. Our team of skilled doctors uses the latest in implant technology to maximize your end results while minimizing damage caused by dental implant complications. We also offer individualized hygiene instructions on how to best care for your implants at home, and reduce the risk of peri-implantitis and other dental implant complications.

If you notice any changes in your implant or surrounding tissue, no matter how minor, it is important to contact our team as soon as possible. The earlier we can provide treatment, the better the chances of saving your implants and minimizing the risk of future dental implant complications. Our team has advanced training in treating peri-implantitis with both laser and traditional methods. We are highly focused on providing long-term implant maintenance and care, to help you enjoy your tooth replacement for many years to come.

Failed dental Implant Select Dental

Keep dental implant complications from affecting your smile.

Request your consultation today.

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